Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Tiffany
Aug 20 | Evan | Comments Off on Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Tiffany | Blog High School Senior Portrait Photographer
Tiffany and I had a blast during her senior portrait photography session! She didn’t need anytime adjusting to getting her photo taken and naturally posed herself just about as good as any senior I have photographed yet. I wish I was that comfortable in front of the camera! While working as a senior photographer, I always try and arrive on location 20-30 minutes ahead of time. Since Tiffany and her mother beat me there, I knew she was excited about her senior portrait session… as she should have been! She totally rocked it out and we came away with some incredible shots! There is still time to get your 2011 Senior Portraits by Evan Pike Photography. Just contact me to schedule your senior session!
Tags: Evan Pike Photography, Portrait Photographer, Raleigh Senior Portrait, Senior Portrait Photographer