Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Meg
Sep 28 | Evan | Comments Off on Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Meg | Blog High School Senior Portrait Photographer
Second high school senior portrait post of the day, on a roll here! Meg’s senior portrait session was one of the most chill senior sessions I have had yet. Meg quickly warmed up to the camera and naturally fell into poses by herself, making my job really easy. Not to mention her stunning eyes that catch your attention in just about every one of her senior portraits! It was a pleasure to have photographed her senior portrait session and once again thankful that her and all the other seniors have put their trust in me to preserve this special time in their lives! Thanks Meg! There is still time to get your 2011 Senior Portraits by Evan Pike Photography. Just contact me to schedule your senior session!
Tags: Evan Pike Photography, Portrait Photographer, Raleigh Senior Portrait, Senior Portrait Photographer