Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Michael
Sep 28 | Evan | Comments Off on Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Michael | Blog High School Senior Portrait Photographer
So sorry for the lack of blogging recently, I’ve been busy catching up with many projects but I’m just about all caught up before I head out to lead a photographer tour in Japan! Back on subject, Michael did a great job during his senior portrait photography session and somehow managed to stay cool even though we had another hot day. Maybe it has something to do with him running cross country, so compared to practice, this was literally a “walk in the park.” (hmmm…I think I’ve used that “joke” before on a previous post) Anyway, it was a lot of fun to get to know Michael and his mother during his awesome senior portrait photography session. There is still time to get your 2011 Senior Portraits by Evan Pike Photography. Just contact me to schedule your senior session!
Tags: Evan Pike Photography, Portrait Photographer, Raleigh Senior Portrait, Senior Portrait Photographer