Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Emily
Oct 10 | Evan | Comments Off on Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Emily | Blog High School Senior Portrait Photographer
Before every senior portrait photography session I’m the photographer for, I ask every senior to fill out a short questionnaire. Most seniors, including what I would have done when I was a senior, give me back these one word or short phrase answers, but Emily, gave me these wonderful and very thoughtful answers that really helped me prepare for her senior photo session. We had her senior portrait session on the outskirts of a couple of different farms close to where she grew up, which was a nice change of scenery for me! It was a lot of fun being Emily’s photographer and I’m so happy the photos came out great!
There is still time to get your 2011 Senior Portraits by Evan Pike Photography. Just contact me to schedule your senior session!
Tags: Evan Pike Photography, Portrait Photographer, Raleigh Senior Portrait, Senior Portrait Photographer