Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Laura
Oct 02 | Evan | Comments Off on Raleigh Senior Portrait Photographer | Laura | Blog High School Senior Portrait Photographer
Laura and I had a wonderful time during her high school senior portrait photography session. She warmed up very quickly to the camera and did a great job making sense of my jumbled directions (every now and then I go through a photography session where my words never seem to come out the way I want them to… so I always blame my time in Japan when I always used the simplest English possible for 3 years)! To make matters worse for me, I knew she was just picking apart my horrible grammer (and probably this blog post) as she is into writing! Hmmm… maybe I should have just let the photos speak for themselves in this one!
There is still time to get your 2011 Senior Portraits by Evan Pike Photography. Just contact me to schedule your senior session!
Tags: Evan Pike Photography, Portrait Photographer, Raleigh Senior Portrait, Senior Portrait Photographer